Friday, 18 May 2012

Which side are you on?

Allah says in the Quran: 
O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed we have made the devils allies to those who do not believe. 
Al Araaf - 27

Immorality is spreading in the world like an epidemic and it is a growing problem in Pakistan. Whether its clothes, soap or hygiene products women are being used to market them in the most questionable manner. After the plethora of Lawn exhibitions and the uncountable billboards plastered with women in strange poses and plunging necklines (not to mention the low backs), a Working Women's Organization put up billboards saying:"We salute those who do not undress women to dress them". Clearly some people have been disturbed by this display of women! This was featured in last week's news paper and I have seen these billboards around the city - it was a timely and eloquent reaction!

Similarly, a brand called Veet literally made some 'heads turn' over the past few weeks with their latest campaign. A model wearing a skirt above the knees and a sleeveless blouse with a low neck was their Key visual. What I failed to understand was why would a woman (the end consumer) need to see an almost nude model to realize how much she needs this product. Like a universal truth, all women know about depilation and the products available. It is a necessary product to maintain a woman's health and basic hygiene. So where there is no denying of the importance of a hair removal product, there was no need to put the brand out there like that - all exposed for everyone to ogle at. It was so distasteful that I stopped looking outside fearing that my eyes may see what I would never want them to see (for they will be questioned about it). Allah says in the Quran:
And do not engage yourself in that of which you have no knowledge.  Verily, hearing, sight and feeling will all be questioned about that. (36) And do not walk on the earth with pride for you will surely never split the earth nor reach the height of the mountain. (37)}  Al-Israa:36-37

I have complained at many contact points and tried to explain to the people running this brand that you are worth more than what you are projecting. Its a global brand and may have global campaigns but one size does not fit all. This advertising campaign was absolutely not relevant for this market - it was down right appalling. 

I have just shared a video on my timeline about a Moroccan 25 year old who is disgusted at how women are being objectified everywhere. He cries out at the end and says that he is sick of watching women reveal themselves and is tired of Satan playing games with him. He admits at having committed many unthinkable sins and blames himself for falling into Satan's trap.  So here is a news flash - men who listen to that little voice in their head called a conscience are actually put off by women's indecency. I urge you to watch it and watch his disgust with himself. His honesty made the speaker cry. A much needed awakening for all of us!  

In Surah Al Araaf (the translated ayah in the beginning), Allah records the epic event that shaped the world we live in. On the one side was Adam ASWS - a mortal created from clay and a servant of Allah and on the other side was the defiant Satan whose behavior was nothing short of impudence. The reason why this incident is repeated numerous times in the Quran is because we have many lessons to learn from it today. 

1. Indecency is the name of the game!
When Satan coaxed Adam ASWS and Hawa ASWS towards the forbidden tree, the first thing that happened to them on eating the fruit was that their clothes were removed. And although Adam ASWS and his wife had never seen indecency around them (because they were in heaven and there were no other people), they knew instantly that this was a shameful thing to happen. The word in Arabic used in this ayah is "YANZIOO" and it means to forcefully remove (by coercion). Hence, Satan did not care about the fruit, he was just out to spread indecency. Eating the fruit was just a means to an end. What are the forbidden fruits of today? Things that look somewhat harmless on the outside but are nothing but evil on the inside. We need to ask ourselves and protect our selves from them. We need to realize that the root of all evil is indecency. Once we are programmed to accept indecency, eventually we will expect it!

2. Progressive Vs Regressive
The Noble Peace Prize winner "Tawakkul Karman," 'The mother of Yemen's revolution,' when asked about her Hijab by journalists and how it is not proportionate with her level of intellect and education, replied: 
“Man in early times was almost naked, and
as his intellect evolved he started wearing clothes.
What I am today and what I’m wearing represents
the highest level of thought and civilization that man
has achieved, and is not regressive. It’s the removal of
clothes again that is a regression back to the ancient times."
That says it all!

3. Dont be a silent Majority!
Speak or write or talk about it with the relevant people not just as a coffee table discussion and to spread hate-campaigns. We have to be the change we want to see so we need to speak against this growing indecency because your family is exposed to it just as mine is. No one wants little girls to have such immoral role models. And no one wants little boys to see women in this way. How will they ever learn to respect women if they grow up seeing them as objects of beauty. Go to clothing outlets that are exploiting women and give them constructive feedback. Use the feedback cards to bring about some good!

I spoke to our cable provider about how they need to re-look their censorship policy and that I could not let my nephews watch unsupervised television any more. She was extremely polite and listened intently to my feedback. After hearing my concerns, she said that she completely empathized with me but said that there were more people calling in to ask for censorship to be removed. It was so sad to hear that but she was adamant at taking my feedback to her superiors and I am grateful to her for that. If you are worried about what your kids may be watching, voice your concern to the appropriate people. Please complain directly to companies by calling in or on their website or to PEMRA on their website. We keep thinking what difference does it make for one person to voice an opinion. It makes a great difference if only we realized that it is an obligation to try and stop wrong-doings and encourage good things.  

When you go to a restaurant or a Mall and there is loud blaring music on, give them feedback politely. You may not want to say: "Do you know that listening to music is Haraam?" You could just say: "There is so much noise aka music here that I can't even think straight let alone remember what i came here to get or eat - why do we need music while shopping for groceries - it makes no sense". I tried the latter at a new Mall that has recently opened and I was surprised by the warm response that I got. That made me realize that they think that we want to listen to it and they have become so used to it that they can't tell the difference between sound and noise. So unless we open our mouth and tell them that we can shop or eat without listening to loud music, they will not shut it off and the agony will continue. 

Tanzeem-e-Islami has posted banners all around with slogans like: 'Respect women - Don't use them as a marketing tool' and many others in Urdu and English. It was heartening to see that where there are people who are following the footsteps of Satan, there are those who are trying to awaken our dormant sense of  morality. 
Which side are you on?..............